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Bettina Stangneth stellt die ganz einfache Frage, was Sex überhaupt ist. Wenn doch bisher noch jede Verbotskultur gescheitert ist, braucht es offensichtlich eine klarere Vorstellung von dem, was wir voneinander wollen. Vor allem aber braucht es den Mut positiv über Sex zu sprechen. Es braucht ein Hohelied der leidenschaftlichen Liebe.  

22,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Sexkultur' order


by Magda Albrecht

16,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Fa(t)shionista' order
Staci Haines,  Transform Traumatas

Staci Haines, Transform Traumatas

The Politics of Trauma. Somatics, Healing, and Social Justice

23,00 EUR

(19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Staci Haines,  Transform Traumatas' order

Shereen El Feki asked women and men in Arab countries, especially in Egypt, what they think about sex and what role it plays in their lives. religious dildos are designed by a unique project that wishes to remain anonymous and donates the proceeds to charity and social causes. german.

20,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x '' order
Wo alles beginnt

Wo alles beginnt

Die ungeahnte Power der Gebärmutter von Leah Hazard

24,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Wo alles beginnt' order
Frauenkörper neu gesehen (pbl.) Laura Méritt

Frauenkörper neu gesehen (pbl.) Laura Méritt

Revised version of the groundbreaking book featuring a unique representation of the female sexual anatomy. Including many drawings, photos, information and female authors. 230 pages. In German , english translation soon! You can order the book here to support our work! Or donate a book to a medical, a health or woman´s organization! -  The classic work about female sexuality!

from 28,50 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Frauenkörper neu gesehen (pbl.) Laura Méritt' order
Female Ejaculation. The gush of ecstasy.

Female Ejaculation. The gush of ecstasy.

Laura Méritt & her network: Finally a short and slighty wet, sex-positive and modern educational booklet über female sexual anatomy including the prostate and ejaculation. The clitoral truth incorporates 3D pictures and practices for the laughing pelvis. 60 pages. For 7€. Published by IPSA-Institute. German (I) or in English (II)

7,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Female Ejaculation. The gush of ecstasy.' order


What is it and how to deal with it? 

7,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Endometriose' order
Itchy cunt

Itchy cunt

DIY- self care

8,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Itchy cunt' order


 All what you should know, in german

8,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Myoma' order
Periode ist politisch

Periode ist politisch

Ein Manifest gegen das Menstruationstabu von Franka Frei.

18,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Periode ist politisch' order
Exit Gender:

Exit Gender:

Lann Hornscheidt / Lio Oppenländer – Letting go of gender and naming structural violence: changing one's own perception and social reality. In german!

12,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Exit Gender:' order


Porn scholar Madita Oeming calls for self-reflection and less self-evaluation and evaluation by others

20,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Porno' order
Pelvis Exercises CD

Pelvis Exercises CD

 Exercises for your daily training, ca.80min

18,00 EUR

(19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Pelvis Exercises CD' order
Outsisters - Insisters - Lesben

Outsisters - Insisters - Lesben

B. Guth/S:Bischoff, Outsisters - Insisters - Lesbians

24,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Outsisters - Insisters - Lesben' order
Cuntmassage - The diversity Megasm

Cuntmassage - The diversity Megasm

& the variety of Megasms by Dr. Laura Méritt and Freudenfluss Netzwerk. 92 pages, with pictures. German language. Workshops check our website weiblichequelle.de 

11,50 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Cuntmassage - The diversity Megasm' order


 The story of female ejaculation by Stephanie Haerdle

20,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Spritzen' order
Orgasmic woman

Orgasmic woman

Mara Stadick, Vivien Schlitter, Natalia Alicja Dziwisch: Orgasmic Woman. In german. 

22,00 EUR

(19 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Orgasmic woman' order
Bock. Männer und Sex

Bock. Männer und Sex

Katja Lewina shows many fears and insecurities are associated with being a man and how socialization and societal expectations influence men's behavior.

20,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'Bock. Männer und Sex' order
There is no hymen!

There is no hymen!

by Oliwia Hälterlein, Illustrated by Aisha Franz. 

18,00 EUR

(7 % VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs )

1 x 'There is no hymen!' order
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